Admin Login:


"Fast Edit v1.0" - edit your content right here on the page!

A free and easy CMS to edit your website. It's all "point-and-click"! Includes file manager and page manager with a one-click interface to easily arrange the menu, create and delete pages, make and restore backups, set metadata for search engines, and more! Supports multi-regions too!

Who's it for?

  • Webmasters with basic-to-intermediate HTML/PHP experience
  • Webmasters with a website that uses standardised web templates (i.e. - common header and footer files)
  • Webmasters who do not wish to use, or do not have access to, a database
  • Webmasters/users who do need/want a fully featured CMS
  • Webmasters/users who do need/want multiple editable regions per web page

Login / Try it out

For this demo, the "Admin Login" (top right) username is "admin1" and the password is "demo1".

Additionally, since the August 23rd 2013 update in Fast Edit v1.0, you can login to manage the site from a dedicated Admin Area.

Once logged-in, Fast Edit appears at the bottom of the page, so scroll down to play!

DOWNLOAD NOW! Also see, how to install Fast Edit v1.0

Protected Page

This page has been protected so it cannot be deleted via the Page Manager.

You can define pages to protect in the "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php" file.

Beverley Hooton

Hi, I'm Bev and I like to make websites. I designed Fast Edit and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Take a look at some of the work I've done, or if you are planning a new web project, contact me.

This block is outside of the editable region. Its markup is actually in the parent "protected_page.php" page at the root of the website. This page is protected in the "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php" file, which means that it cannot be accidentally deleted via the Page Manager. Great news for custom landing pages with extra code and markup, as the end-user won't be able to edit your critical content or special layouts!