Bug Fixes / ChangeLog
Please note, if no version is stated, assume the fix has been applied to ALL versions of Fast Edit.
8th May 2017 -
The demo website template that comes with the download pack for Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager) has been updated with a simple responsive layout.
This is just a cosmetic, front-end update and is unrelated to the back-end or any core functionality.
Changes have been made to;
- "index.php"
- "page1.php"
- "page2.php"
- "sample_styles.css"
5th May 2017 -
The demo website template that comes with the download packs for both Fast Edit v1.0 and Fast Edit Mini/Micro has been updated with a responsive menu and simple responsive layout.
This is just a cosmetic, front-end update and is unrelated to the back-end or any core functionality.
Here are the files that have been updated;
- "includes/default_site_styles.css"
- "includes/header.html"
- "includes/footer.html"
16th March 2017 -
All download packs have been updated to incorporate the latest version of TinyMCE v3.5.12 (see latest TinyMCE changelog).
The entire "fast_edit/tinymce/" and "fast_edit_BE/tinymce/" folders have therefore been upgraded.
On top of that I've done a little extra work to handle a few stray errors in Fast Edit v1.0, if PHP error reporting is, for whatever reason, set as error_reporting(E_ALL).
The files that have been updated in this case are;
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_login.php"
9th Feb 2017 -
A fix has been applied to Fast Edit v1.0 to prevent the home page from being deleted or hidden via manual query strings in the WYSIWYG editor.
The files listed below have been updated;
- "fast_edit/index.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_functions.php"
19th Jan 2017 -
An error (which was introduced in the 28th November 2016 update) has been fixed in Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager) that was preventing changes to edited snippets from being saved on some systems.
The following files have been edited;
- "fast_edit_BE/index.php"
- "fast_edit_BE/fast_edit_functions.php"
28th Nov 2016 -
A security fix has been added to Fast Edit v1.0 and Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager) to disallow new files from being created via manual query strings in the WYSIWYG edit window.
In Fast Edit v1.0, only the "fast_edit/index.php" file and "fast_edit/fast_edit.php" file have been modified.
And, in Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager), only the "fast_edit_BE/index.php" file has changed.
12th Aug 2016 -
The <lastmod> tag has been added to the "sitemap.xml" file in Fast Edit v1.0 to better improve SEO.
The files listed below have been updated;
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_functions.php"
- "fast_edit/index.php"
3rd July 2015 -
A few modifications have been made to the File Manager in both Fast Edit v1.0 and Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager).
Firstly, the file renaming function has been improved so that a user no longer has to include the '.' at the end of a filename, which previously resulted in the corruption and/or loss of files due to file name and file extension merging together.
Secondly, "select all" checkboxes have been added to the delete and move function screens to allow for easier mass actions.
Changes made to one file only; "fast_edit/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/edit.php".
8th June 2015 -
A new page assignments feature has been added to Fast Edit v1.0 so that users can only edit certain pages.
When pages are assigned to users via the $assignments() array in the main config file, they can only edit those pages with the Page Manager running in "basic" mode. They cannot create or delete pages, and they cannot hide or change menu button order. They can still however, make and restore backups and manage files through the File Manager, as well and use the Template Manager if configured to do so.
Users not listed in the $assignments() array will act as admins and continue to enjoy access to all pages and functions.
The following files have changed;
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php"
- "fast_edit/index.php"
1st April 2015 -
A fix has been applied to Fast Edit v1.0 so that the multi-region dropdown now uses a menu alias, if one is set.
The files listed below have been updated;
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_functions.php"
- "fast_edit/index.php"
3rd March 2015 -
Fast Edit v1.0 now supports multiple user accounts.
Only the "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php" and "fast_edit/fast_edit_login.php" files have been updated.
12th September 2014 -
A change has been made to Fast Edit v1.0 to fix an error that caused excluded pages from the $page_exclude() array, to be included in the "sitemap.xml" file.
The following files have been edited;
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_functions.php"
- "fast_edit/index.php"
8th September 2014 -
A fix has been applied to Fast Edit v1.0 and Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager) to fix a glitch that allowed the correct username to be bypassed.
Only the "fast_edit/fast_edit_login.php" / "fast_edit_BE/fast_edit_login.php" file has been updated.
1st September 2014 -
The Page Manager's pager has been upgraded in Fast Edit v1.0, allowing customisation of page increments and default limit (how many pages are listed in each page). Set increments in the $pager_increments() array, and a $pager_default_limit in the "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php" file.
The tablesorter (jQuery Tablesorter plugin v2.17.6) and pager plugin (jQuery Tablesorter Pager plugin v.2.17.7) have also been upgraded, and now remember pager limit/increment settings after a page refresh/reload.
The files listed below have changed;
- "includes/footer.html"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php"
- "fast_edit/index.php"
- "fast_edit/js/fast_edit_functions.js"
- "fast_edit/js/jquery.tablesorter.js" (upgraded to jQuery Tablesorter plugin v2.17.6)
- "fast_edit/js/jquery.tablesorter.pager.js" (upgraded to jQuery Tablesorter Pager plugin v.2.17.7)
And a new "fast_edit/js/jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js" (jQuery Tablesorter Widgets plugin v2.17.7) file has been added.
12th August 2014 -
An optional character setting has been added to Fast Edit v1.0 to help with the way special characters are encoded in non-English languages.
In builds prior to today's update, incorrect character encoding presented itself in the Page Manager's menu alias, keywords and description fields where, after saving, non-English characters were sometimes converted to a variety of weird and wonderful shapes (depending on server setup).
The default charset is UTF-8 (in Fast Edit v1.0 and in PHP 5.4.0 and later), and the other common charset is ISO-8859-1 (default in PHP prior to 5.4.0). Feel free to use other charsets as detailed in the official PHP documentation for supported charsets in htmlentities().
The updated files are;
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/index.php"
2nd May 2014 -
To help users who have lots of snippets, a "remember last scroll position" function has been added to Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager) so you can now more easily find the snippet, and related snippets, that you were last working on.
Only the "fast_edit_BE/index.php" file has changed.
17th April 2014 -
A much requested multi-region feature has been added to Fast Edit v1.0. The CMS now supports multiple editable regions on web pages, so you can define more than just one main area to edit.
Additional snippet zones must be created manually as .txt files in the usual "fast_edit_content/" folder, and they must follow a specific naming convention; "main-filename--snippet-name.txt". When additional content snippets are present on a web page, they display in a dropdown select menu above the Fast Edit editor window. For more information on setup, please see step 11 of the installation instructions.
Here are the updated files;
- "page_preview.php"
- "fast_edit/index.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/styles/fast_edit.css"
9th April 2014 -
Just a few cosmetic tweaks made to the Fast Edit v1.0 and Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager) login error message. The message bar in the admin back-end now extends the full width of the screen.
In Fast Edit v1.0, the following files have been updated;
- "fast_edit/index.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_login.php"
And, in Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager), changes have been made to the following;
- "fast_edit_BE/index.php"
- "fast_edit_BE/fast_edit_login.php"
- "fast_edit_BE/styles/fast_edit.css"
4th April 2014 -
The back-end admin panels for Fast Edit v1.0 and Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager) have been cleaned-up and the majority of PHP code has been moved to the top of the file.
This means that functions using header() redirects aren't relying on ob_start() to avoid the dreaded "headers already sent" error anymore. Just trying to improve the code structure
and fix any previously stunted redirect situations on some servers :)
In Fast Edit v1.0, only the "fast_edit/index.php" file has been updated.
And in Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager), only the "fast_edit_BE/index.php" file has been updated.
27th February 2014 -
Fast Edit v1.0 and Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager) have been given an optional config setting to use PHP's ob_gzhandler callback function for gzip compression, which offers a small speed boost by reducing the size of the back-end admin panel content sent to the browser.
This replaces the previous default setting where the ob_gzhandler callback conflicted with systems that already used zlib.output_compression direct on the server. ob_gzhandler and zlib.output_compression cannot be used together, so the new setting allows you to say whether you want to use ob_gzhandler or not. Functionality is not affected either way, so if you're not sure about your server setup, you can just leave it off.
In Fast Edit v1.0, the following files have been updated;
- "fast_edit/index.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php"
Similarly, in Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager), the following files have been updated;
- "fast_edit_BE/index.php"
- "fast_edit_BE/fast_edit_config.php"
12th February 2014 -
Fast Edit v1.0 Now comes bundled with an XML sitemap generator that creates a "sitemap.xml" file compliant with the Sitemap Protocol of sitemaps.org.
All .php pages/files will be included from the root website folder by default, but you can exclude pages/files from the final sitemap by using the $page_exclude() array in the "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php" file.
Changes have been made to the following files;
- "fast_edit/index.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_functions.php"
A sample "sitemap.xml" file has also been provided in the root folder.
20th December 2013 -
All download packs have been updated to remove reference to the very much outdated "fast_edit/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" file, which I think was leading some users
to believe that this old version of the jQuery library was required for Fast Edit to work. This is not the case
so I have decided to remove this old library and instead replace it with a link to the latest jQuery release from the Google-hosted CDN.
This minor change sees the "includes/footer.html" file being updated in all download packs. You don't have to use the latest release if you don't want
to though; link to any other version of jQuery, from 1.4.2 upwards -
whichever you happen to be using already - because Fast Edit should work fine with them all.
Fast Edit v1.0 has seen further upgrades following reports of the Page Manager's sorting table (jQuery Tablesorter plugin v2.0.3) headers and paginator (jQuery Tablesorter Pager plugin) no longer working in IE11. It is specifically the old pagination plugin (jQuery Tablesorter Pager plugin) that breaks in IE11, but the upgrade (jQuery Tablesorter plugin v2.14.4) will only work alongside the upgraded tablesorter plugin (jQuery Tablesorter Pager plugin v.2.14.5) and jQuery library, so this is the reason why I have only upgraded the tablesorter in Fast Edit v1.0. The old tablesorter (without the extra pagination plugin) still works fine in IE11 on it's own so I haven't upgraded this aspect in Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager).
For Fast Edit v1.0, the following files have now been updated;
- "fast_edit/index.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/styles/fast_edit.css"
- "fast_edit/js/fast_edit_functions.js"
- "fast_edit/js/jquery.tablesorter.js" (upgraded to jQuery Tablesorter plugin v2.14.4)
- "fast_edit/js/jquery.tablesorter.pager.js" (upgraded to jQuery Tablesorter Pager plugin v.2.14.5)
- "includes/footer.html"
16th December 2013 -
For further speed boosts, all download packs now have their JavaScripts moved to just above closing </body> tag.
In Fast Edit v1.0 and Fast Edit Mini/Micro, the "includes/header.html" and "includes/footer.html" files have been edited.
Additionally in Fast Edit v1.0, icons have been combined into an image sprite to dramatically reduce HTTP requests - the following files have changed;
- "fast_edit/index.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/styles/fast_edit.css"
- "fast_edit/js/fast_edit_functions.js"
Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager) also benefits from an image sprite, with updates being made to;
- "fast_edit_BE/index.php"
- "fast_edit_BE/styles/fast_edit.css"
For Fast Edit v1.0 and Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager), the new "sprite.png" image has been added to "fast_edit/images/" and "fast_edit_BE/images/" respectively.
2nd December 2013 -
All download packs have been updated to incorporate the latest version of TinyMCE v3.5.10, which fixes a few compatibility issues in IE11.
The entire "fast_edit/tinymce/" folder has therefore been upgraded.
An additional bug persists in the "fast_edit/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/source_editor.htm" file, which causes the HTML Source Editor (in the WYSIWYG toolbar) to render blank in IE11, so an IE=EmulateIE9 meta tag has been added there as a workaround.
8th November 2013 -
With SEO considerations in mind (hyphens are better for search engines - see Google's support blog entry for URL structure),
all download packs have been updated to use hyphens (with backwards compatibility for underscores) in page names and snippet file names.
In Fast Edit v1.0, a custom word separator option has been included in the main config file, allowing the use of either dashes/hyphens ('-') or underscores ('_'), which was the previous default, in file names during the creation of new pages. For all other versions of Fast Edit, the code changes are minor/cosmetic, so there's no real need to update any files if you do not wish.
The following files have been updated in Fast Edit v1.0;
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php"
- "fast_edit/index.php"
- "page_preview.php"
- "includes/menu.html"
Only "fast_edit_BE/index.php" has been updated in Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager).
Only "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php" has been updated in Fast Edit Mini/Micro.
23rd August 2013 -
Fast Edit v1.0 now comes with its own dedicated, back-end admin panel.
The following files have been updated;
- "fast_edit/js/fast_edit_toolbar.js"
- "fast_edit/styles/fast_edit.css"
The following files have been added;
- "fast_edit/index.php"
- "fast_edit/images/web.png"
9th August 2013 -
Fast Edit BE now comes with an optional disk space quota. Just set the $quota in the "fast_edit_BE/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/config_tinybrowser.php"
file to limit the end-user to the total amount of resources that they can upload.
Changes have been made to the following files;
- "fast_edit_BE/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit_BE/styles/fast_edit.css"
- "fast_edit_BE/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/upload.php"
- "fast_edit_BE/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/config_tinybrowser.php"
Newly added files include;
- "fast_edit_BE/fast_edit_functions.php"
- "fast_edit_BE/images/refresh.png"
- "fast_edit_BE/images/grad.png"
- "fast_edit_BE/images/graph.php"
- "fast_edit_BE/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/tinybrowser_filebrowser.php"
8th July 2013 -
Another feature has been added to Fast Edit v1.0's Page Manager; an optional URL field, which allows menu buttons to be created that link directly to a file or other website,
rather than an internal web page. By clicking on the external URL title in the Page Manager listing (indicated by a icon),
an alias link text dialogue is opened where custom text can be set on the menu button.
The following files have been updated;
- "includes/menu.html"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_functions.php"
- "fast_edit/js/fast_edit_functions.js"
- "fast_edit/styles/fast_edit.css"
And the image file "fast_edit/images/link.gif" has been added.
1st July 2013 -
Fast Edit v1.0 has had a major overhaul. For starters, the File Browser
now comes with a zip and download function (select individual files or all at once). A similar easy archive downloader is also included with the Page Manager
(one-click backup of content, keywords and descriptions for storage offline). A rather nice addition - and highly sought feature - is the new Metadata Manager
(for setting keywords and descriptions to help visitors find your website via search engines - hello, SEO!). Lastly, the sample website template for all download packs has
been updated with a sleek new HTML5 layout to follow suit with the latest web trends.
The files that have been updated are as follows;
- "includes/default_site_styles.css"
- "includes/footer.html"
- "includes/header.html"
- "fast_edit/_backup/editable_site_styles.css"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php"
- "fast_edit/js/fast_edit_toolbar.js"
- "fast_edit/styles/fast_edit.css"
- "fast_edit/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/tinybrowser_filebrowser.php"
- "fast_edit/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/upload.php"
Brand new file and folder additions;
- "fast_edit/_descriptions/"
- "fast_edit/_keywords/"
- "fast_edit/download.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_functions.php"
- "fast_edit/images/compress.png"
- "fast_edit/images/meta.png"
- "fast_edit/pclzip.lib.php"
- "userfiles/download.php"
26th June 2013 -
Fast Edit BE now also comes with a File Browser.
Additionally, a zip and download function has been added (select individual files or all together).
Only one file has been updated; "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
New files added;
- "fast_edit/images/compress.png"
- "fast_edit/pclzip.lib.php"
- "fast_edit/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/tinybrowser_filebrowser.php"
- "userfiles/download.php"
18th June 2013 -
Fast Edit v1.0 now comes with a File Browser
and optional disk space quota. Just set the $quota in the "fast_edit/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/config_tinybrowser.php"
file to limit the end-user to the total amount of resources that they can upload.
Changes have been made to the following files;
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/styles/fast_edit.css"
- "fast_edit/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/upload.php"
- "fast_edit/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/config_tinybrowser.php"
Newly added files include;
- "fast_edit/images/refresh.png"
- "fast_edit/images/grad.png"
- "fast_edit/images/graph.php"
- "fast_edit/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/tinybrowser_filebrowser.php"
6th June 2013 -
Fast Edit v1.0 now has an "exclude page" feature, to hide custom pages from the menu and Page Manager.
Just define pages to exclude in the $page_exclude() array in the "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php" file.
Additionally, by popular demand, a maximum web page quota has now also been included which you can use to limit the end-user to the number of web pages they can create on their website. Again, just set the $page_count quota in the "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php" file.
The pages that have been updated are;
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/styles/fast_edit.css"
- "includes/menu.html"
3rd April 2013 -
Fast Edit v1.0 now has a "protect page" feature, to stop custom pages from being deleted via the Page Manager.
Need to dress-up a special landing page with custom PHP code and HTML? Need to stop that customised page from accidentally being deleted?
Just define pages to protect in the new $page_protect() array that's located in the "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php" file.
Only the following two files have been updated;
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
19th February 2013 -
All download packs have been updated to incorporate the latest version of TinyMCE v3.5.8, which support iPhone and iPad.
The TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor now lives in the "fast_edit/tinymce/" folder (replacing the old "fast_edit/tinymce_3_3_7/" one).
Paths have been updated from "fast_edit/tinymce_3_3_7" to "fast_edit/tinymce" in these files;
- "includes/header.html"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
The following file has also been replaced;
- "fast_edit/js/fast_edit_toolbar.js"
9th February 2013 -
The sql_regcase() function, deprecated in PHP V5.3.0, was causing the TinyBrowser v1.41
error.log file to bloat with lots of uneccessary errors in Fast Edit v1.0.
Replaced with custom function - Only the "fast_edit/tinymce_3_3_7/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/fns_tinybrowser.php" file has changed.
9th January 2013 -
User input sanitization improvements made in Fast Edit v1.0 - Only the "fast_edit/fast_edit.php" file has changed.
18th April 2012 -
I've enabled a more intuative manual menu ordering system in Fast Edit v1.0.
These files have been altered;
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/styles/fast_edit.css"
And an additional "fast_edit/images/down.png" (green down-arrow image )
has also been added.
15th April 2012 -
Fast Edit v1.0 now has a "menu alias" feature, allowing custom formatted text to appear on menu buttons. It loads directly under the Fast Edit window
(except while viewing the home page) and any alias input is saved along with any edits via the WYSIWYG toolbar's save icon.
Changes have been made to;
- "includes/menu.html"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php"
- "fast_edit/fast_edit.php"
- "fast_edit/styles/fast_edit.css"
- "fast_edit/styles/fast_edit_ie.css"
An additional "fast_edit/_menu_alias/" folder (plus contents) has also been added.
14th April 2012 -
All download packs have been updated to include a GMT hours offset variable that corrects server time difference.
Only the "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php" and "fast_edit/fast_edit.php" files changed.
21st March 2012 -
TinyMCE v3.3.7 has bugs in IE9 -
IE=EmulateIE8 meta tag added to the "includes/header.html" file which comes into effect only when logged in. For now, I'm opting to
stick with the older TinyMCE v3.3.7 WYSIWYG editor, instead of upgrading,
to retain use of the "code protect" plugin that doesn't work on newer versions of TinyMCE.
26th January 2011 -
Three fixes to Fast Edit v1.0:
- Fail-safe added to prevent new page creation overwriting existing pages,
- Fail-safe added to prevent certain new pages being created that would otherwise overwrite critical programming files/folders ("index" and "page_preview"),
- Sort function fixed on current/backup times and dates - now sorts on numeric filemtime() value rather than formatted time/date.
13th January 2011 -
All download packs have been updated to fix some "isset" errors that were throwing up undefined variables in
"fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php" and "fast_edit/fast_edit_login.php" if error reporting was set to (E_ALL).
You only need to replace these two files in Fast Edit v1.0 and just the "fast_edit/fast_edit_login.php" file in Fast Edit Mini/Micro to correct this problem.
13th December 2010 -
File Manager settings fixed in Fast Edit v1.0 - previous settings were not passed through to TinyBrowser v1.41 -
see "fast_edit/fast_edit_config.php" for changes.
10th November 2010 -
Glitch fixed in the Fast Edit v1.0 Template Manager - the save function previously wiped the template backup too.
16th August 2010 -
Further modifications made to the ['REQUEST_URI'] fix from 14th July (below) based on user feedback. Thanks Sam.
14th July 2010 -
['REQUEST_URI'] fix added for redirects on IIS servers. This fixes the "looping" refreshes bug on redirects after login, logout and save actions.