Admin Login: Admin Login


"Fast Edit Mini" - edit your content right here on the page!

A super-simple content editor with a point-and-click toolbar that loads right on the web page you want to edit.

Who's it for?

  • Webmasters with basic-to-intermediate HTML/PHP experience
  • Webmasters with a website that uses standardised web templates (i.e. - common header and footer files)
  • Webmasters who do not wish to use, or do not have access to, a database
  • Webmasters/users who don't need/want a full-on CMS
  • Webmasters/users who don't need/want multiple editable regions per web page

Login / Try it out

For this demo, the "Admin Login" (top right) username is "admin" and the password is "demo".

Once logged-in, Fast Edit appears at the bottom of the page, so scroll down to play!

DOWNLOAD NOW! Also see, how to install Fast Edit Mini

The Home Page

Welcome to the home page.

This is the editable content region - have fun using Fast Edit!